Version 2 2019-03-26, 13:34Version 2 2019-03-26, 13:34
Version 1 2019-03-04, 18:58Version 1 2019-03-04, 18:58
posted on 2019-03-26, 13:34authored byTiina Sävilammi, Craig R. Primmer, Srinidhi Varadharajan, René Guyomard, Yann Guiguen, Simen R. Sandve, L. Asbjørn Vøllestad, Spiros Papakostas, Sigbjørn Lien
The supplementary tables and figures that accompany the manuscript entitled "The chromosome-level genome assembly of European grayling reveals aspects of a unique genome evolution process within salmonids".
Article title
The Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of European Grayling Reveals Aspects of a Unique Genome Evolution Process Within Salmonids