Supplemental Material for Morton et al., 2020
Supplemental methods, figures, and tables accompanying Morton et al. manuscript "Challenges and Approaches to Genotyping Repetitive DNA"
File S1 contains supplemental materials and methods and a list of tables
Figure S1 contains Southern blots and ethidium bromide staining of CHEF gels
Figure S2 contains droplet digital PCR condition optimization
Figure S3 contains details of smMIP-based copy number estimation
Figure S4 contains details of rDNA locus FISH characteristics for C. elegans strains
Table S1 contains metrics from Nextera whole genome sequencing of C. elegans strains
Table S2 contains percent error of rDNA copy number estimation for C. elegans strains
Table S3 contains results of downsampling C. elegans WGS data
Table S4 contains different aligner and trimming comparisons of C. elegans strains rDNA copy number estimate
Table S5 contains coordinate of C. elegans single copy regions
Table S6 contains WGS counts of C. elegans single copy regions
Table S7 contains published yeast strain SRA numbers
Table S8 contains yeast diploid strain rDNA estimates
Table S9 contains yeast strain SNV genotyping
Table S10 contains droplet digital PCR raw data
Table S11 contains smMIP data
Table S12 contains rDNA FISH summary cell counts
Table S13 contains rDNA FISH data
Table S14 contains sequences of oligos
Table S15 contains band measurements from C. elegans CHEF gels