GSA Journals

Supplemental Material for Clergeot et al., 2018

posted on 2018-12-28, 18:55 authored by Pierre-Henri Clergeot, Nicolas Olivier Rode, Sylvain Glémin, Mikael Brandström-Durling, Katharina Ihrmark, Åke Olson
File S1, Derivations of the analytical model for the effect of ploidy and the average level of dominance. (.pdf)

File S2, Supplementary Figures S1-S3 (Nuclear and mitochondrial pairwise genetic distance matrices, genetic correlation between mycelium growth rate and wood weight loss data for homokaryons and heterokaryons respectively, .pdf)

File S3, Details regarding bioinformatics analyses. (.pdf)

File S4, Supplementary tables (.xlsx) with list of the isolates (Table S1), geographic distance matrix (Table S2), nuclear and mitochondrial genetic distance matrices (Tables S3-S4), AICc tables and best model estimates for MGR (Table S5-S6), AICc tables and best model estimates for WWL (Tables S7-S8)

File S5, ZIP archive with MGR and WWL phenotypic data and scripts needed to reproduce the results presented in this manuscript.
The archive includes different directories and files:
-Bioinformatics > Perl script to filter reads based on depth
-Figures > Script and datasets to build Figures
-GeneticDistance > Dataset with nuclear and mitochondrial genetic distance
-GrowthRate20180716 > Dataset and script for mycelium growth rate analyses
-MMmodel.Rmd > Script used to estimate cnucl and cmit for mycelium growth rate and wood weight loss analyses
-WoodDegradation20180717 > Dataset and script for wood weight loss analyses


Article title

Estimating the Fitness Effect of Deleterious Mutations During the Two Phases of the Life Cycle: A New Method Applied to the Root-rot Fungus Heterobasidion parviporum

Manuscript #


Article DOI
