Read Me file for article entitled "A Complex Genetic Architecture Underlies Mandibular Evolution in Big Mice from Gough Island" by Parmenter et al. F2s were generated by crossing two partially inbred lines of Gough Island mice with the WSB inbred line. Mandibular phenotype data, including raw and Procrustes coordinates for 32 landmarks in 626 F2s, are provided in: F2s_ProcrustesCoordinates.xls Genotypes for 11,833 SNPs fixed in Gough Island mice, as well as mom, sex, and body weight covariates are provided in: goughF2_simple_v4.Rdata [Note that 17 F2s in F2_ProcrustesCoordinates.xls were missing covariates in goughF2_simple_v4.Rdata, leaving 609 F2s for QTL analyses.]