Supplemental Material for Crouse, Kelada, and Valdar, 2020.pdf - the supplemental text, figures, and tables for the TIMBR manuscript - frozen version of the 'TIMBR' R package, also available at install_TIMBR.R - script for installing TIMBR, either locally or from GitHub simulation/TIMBR_sim.R - R script for simulations with command line inputs for parallelization simulation/ - Bash script for submitting TIMBR_sim.R in parallel simulation/TIMBR_sim_collapse_results.R - R script for collapsing and processing parallel sets of results simulation/TIMBR_sim_plot.R - R script for generating plots simulation/results/* - RData files containing the simulation results used in the manuscript dspr/data/* - data files from King et al. (2014) dspr/dspr_locus1.R - R script to generate diplotype probabilties for "multiallelic" example dspr/dspr_locus1.R - R script to generate diplotype probabilties for "biallelic" example dspr/TIMBR_dspr_locus1.R - R script to run TIMBR and generate plots for "multiallelic" example dspr/TIMBR_dspr_locus2.R - R script to run TIMBR and generate plots for "biallelic" example precc_cache/ - compressed diplotype probabilities for PreCC data in HAPPY cache format; must be unzipped eqtl/data/* - data files from Kelada et al. (2014) eqtl/eqtl_list.R - R script to subset eQTL list for analysis eqtl/TIMBR_eqtl.R - R script for TIMBR eQTL analysis with command line inputs for parallelization eqtl/ - Bash script for submitting TIMBR_eqtl.R in parallel eqtl/TIMBR_eqtl_collapse_results.R - R script for collapsing and processing parallel sets of results eqtl/TIMBR_eqtl_plot_results.R - R script for generating plots mcv_tree/ - Bash script for generating trees for constructing pseudogenome and generating trees at MCV locus mcv_tree/founders.txt - a list of founder strains for the CC mcv_tree/four_gamete_test.R - R script for performing the four gamete test to identify genomic regions without evidence of recombination mcv_tree/construct_pseudogenome.R - R script for constructing pseudogenomes for a genomic region mcv_tree/chr7_3776.fa - FASTA for pseudogenome at MCV locus mcv_tree/beast1_custom_template.xml - template for generating BEAST input files using BEASTGen mcv_tree/chr7_3776.xml - BEAST input file at MCV locus mcv_tree/chr7_3776.trees - BEAST tree samples at MCV locus mcv_tree/chr7_3776.log - BEAST log file for tree samples at MCV locus mcv_tree/convert_to_coalescent.R - R script to converting BEAST tree samples to coalescent units mcv_tree/mcv_trees.RData - RData file of trees at MCV locus mcv_tree/mcv_trees.trees - NEXUS file of trees at MCV locus; visualized with DensiTree mcv_tree/random_coalescent.R - R file to sample random coalescent trees and output as NEXUS file mcv/data/mcv_pheno.txt - data file from Kelada et al. (2012) mcv/TIMBR_mcv.R - R script for to run TIMBR and generate plots for the MCV QTL