Supplementary data and code for Noble et al. (2020), "The ancestral C. elegans cuticle suppresses rol-1" S2_UncRolRecombinantGenotypes.txt: N2/CB4856 genotype frequencies, described in Methods, Observation of segregation distortion. S3-S9: sample videos of mutant and suppressed worms. S10_col182_orthologs.csv: coding sequence coordinates based on Caenorhabditis Genomes Project data and denovo assembly for elegans wild isolates. See Methods, Gene model. S11_col182_CDS.mfa: multiple alignment of coding sequences, for the species in File S10. See Methods, Gene model. S12_merged_roller_MWT.rda: R data archive containing raw, aggregated Multi-Worm Tracker data. See Methods, Quantitative locomotion analysis, and references therein. S13_merged_roller_MWT_trackStat.rda: R data archive containing track-level summary statistics derived from the raw Multi-Worm Tracker data. See Methods, Quantitative locomotion analysis, and references therein. S14_col182_mwt.R: R code to analyse Multi-Worm Tracker data. See Methods, Quantitative locomotion analysis, and references therein. S15_CeMEE_phenoGeno.rda: R data archive containing CeMEE genotypes, phenotypes and utility functions used for testing genetic interactions with the N2 col-182 allele. See Methods, Epistasis analysis in the CeMEE, and references therein. S16_col182_CeMEE_interactions.R: R code containing functions used for testing genetic interactions with the N2 col-182 allele. See Methods, Epistasis analysis in the CeMEE, and references therein.