library(ggplot2) require(ggeffects) library(sciplot) require(bbmle) require(effects) require(glmmTMB) # model at the bottom. require(MASS) require(emmeans) require(lme4) library(grid) hss.index <- 1 lss.index <- 2 lv.index <- 3 wtc.index <- 4 plot.colors <- c( "#FF0000", #HSS "#1122CC", #LSS "#449911", #LV "#993399" #WTC ) fill.colors <- c( "#FF000033", #HSS "#1122CC33", #LSS "#44991133", #LV "#99339933" #WTC ) <- gpar(cex=1.5, fontface="bold") #Setting up data set and sex comb teeth plots sexcomb <- read.csv("../data/sex_comb_data_uptogen24.csv", header = T) str(sexcomb) #check that treatment is a factor, generation is an interger and change replicate to a factor sexcomb$rep <- factor(sexcomb$rep) sexcomb$treatment <- relevel(sexcomb$treatment, "WTC") #sexcomb <- na.omit(sexcomb) sexcomb$individualid <- factor(paste(sexcomb$treatment, sexcomb$rep, sexcomb$gen, sexcomb$id, sep=".")) #################################### #Primary comb #First: run models for primary comb using glmmTMB, only HSS and LSS #NOTES HERE: #The model runs just fine with only HSS and LSS treatments primary_evolve_model_glmm <- glmmTMB(primary_teeth ~ gen*treatment + (1|treatment:rep) + (1|individualid), family = poisson, #ziformula = ~gen, # no evidence of zero inflation data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS",]) summary(primary_evolve_model_glmm) plot(allEffects(primary_evolve_model_glmm)) #there is clearly no effect of generation #However, when we add the WTC or LV treatments, we get warnings about model convergence # --either non-positive-definite Hessian matrix, or # --extreme or very small eigenvalues detected; # but in both cases, the actual effect estimates are about the same (2.406 for the intercept, essentially 0 for the others, # but the std errors for those estimates are NA) primary_evolve_model_glmm <- glmmTMB(primary_teeth ~ gen*treatment + (1|treatment:rep) + (1|individualid), family = poisson, #ziformula = ~gen, # no evidence of zero inflation data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LV" ,]) summary(primary_evolve_model_glmm) plot(allEffects(primary_evolve_model_glmm)) #YET! # These warnings go away, and we get standard error estimates, when we remove the random effects from the model # so the convergence problem probably has to do with difficulty in estimating random effects? # (Is it too difficult to estimate the rep effect if there are only 2 reps for a treatment, or if # some of the reps are missing data? e.g., there are only # 2 reps for WTC, and the 3rd rep for LV is also missing some of the generations) primary_evolve_model_glmm <- glmmTMB(primary_teeth ~ gen*treatment + (1|individualid), family = poisson, #ziformula = ~gen, # no evidence of zero inflation data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="WTC" | sexcomb$treatment=="LV",]) summary(primary_evolve_model_glmm) plot(allEffects(primary_evolve_model_glmm)) #with just the other random effect, the model works too primary_evolve_model_glmm <- glmmTMB(primary_teeth ~ gen*treatment + (1|treatment:rep), family = poisson, #ziformula = ~gen, # no evidence of zero inflation data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="WTC" | sexcomb$treatment=="LV",]) summary(primary_evolve_model_glmm) plot(allEffects(primary_evolve_model_glmm)) #in any case the numbers are almost identical no matter which random effect we keep, # and there's clearly no real effect of anything for # primary comb tooth number #Plot"gen", "treatment"), primary_evolve_model_glmm )) new_dat <- data.frame(gen = c(1:24, 1:24), treatment = c(rep("LSS", 24), rep("HSS", 24), rep("WTC", 24), rep("LV", 24)), individualid = NA, rep = NA) #Do predictions based on the model fit predictTrial_glmmTMB <- predict(primary_evolve_model_glmm, new_dat, interval = "confidence",, type = "response", = TRUE) length(predictTrial_glmmTMB$fit) head(predictTrial_glmmTMB$fit) cbind(new_dat, predictTrial_glmmTMB) length(predictTrial_glmmTMB$se) summary(primary_evolve_model_glmm) fixef(primary_evolve_model_glmm) #Run similar model, but using lme4 primary_evolve_model_glmm_lme4 <- glmer(primary_teeth ~ gen*treatment + (1|individualid), family = poisson, data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="WTC" | sexcomb$treatment=="LV",]) ##plot(allEffects(primary_evolve_model_glmm_lme4))"treatment", "gen"), primary_evolve_model_glmm_lme4)) summary(primary_evolve_model_glmm_lme4) #take-home here is that they give almost identical results, in spite of possible warnings about not converging #Make plots predictions <- ggemmeans(primary_evolve_model_glmm, terms=c("gen", "treatment")) # on link scale. transform back via exp(). Very similar to using effects myplot.1 <- ggplot(predictions, aes(x, predicted, color=group)) + geom_line() + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=conf.low, ymax=conf.high, fill=group), alpha=0.2, color=NA) + scale_color_manual(values=c(plot.colors[wtc.index], plot.colors[hss.index], plot.colors[lss.index], plot.colors[lv.index])) + labs(x="Generation", y="Number of primary sex comb teeth") + scale_fill_manual(values=c(fill.colors[wtc.index], fill.colors[hss.index], fill.colors[lss.index], fill.colors[lv.index])) + theme(legend.title=element_blank(), panel.background=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.border=element_rect(color="black", fill=NA)) + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(1,1,1,1), "cm")) print(myplot.1) #################################### #Primary comb - gaps #First: run models for primary comb gaps using glmmTMB, only HSS and LSS #The model runs just fine with only HSS and LSS treatments sexcomb$primary_gaps_binom <- ifelse(sexcomb$primary_gaps >= 1, 1, 0) gaps_evolve_model_glmm <- glmmTMB(primary_gaps_binom ~ gen*treatment + (1|treatment:rep) + (1|individualid), family = binomial(link="logit"), # ziformula = ~gen, # no evidence of zero inflation data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS",]) summary(gaps_evolve_model_glmm) plot(allEffects(gaps_evolve_model_glmm)) #according to the model there is an effect of generation; the probability of having a gap defect in the primary # comb decreases a bit each generation #the interaction is not significant; however, it LOOKS very different on the plot -- much steeper for HSS plogis(-1.92944-24*(0.05359)) #estimate decline in defects across 24 generations? #When we add the LV treatment... gaps_evolve_model_glmm <- glmmTMB(primary_gaps_binom ~ gen*treatment + (1|treatment:rep) + (1|individualid), family = binomial(link="logit"), # ziformula = ~gen, # no evidence of zero inflation data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LV" ,]) summary(gaps_evolve_model_glmm) plot(allEffects(gaps_evolve_model_glmm)) #largely the result is the same, but the LV main effect is significant #it appears that the LV treatment has a lower probability of gaps overall #And we add the WTC treatment... gaps_evolve_model_glmm <- glmmTMB(primary_gaps_binom ~ gen*treatment + (1|treatment:rep) + (1|individualid), family = binomial(link="logit"), # ziformula = ~gen, # no evidence of zero inflation data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LV" | sexcomb$treatment=="WTC",]) summary(gaps_evolve_model_glmm) plot(allEffects(gaps_evolve_model_glmm)) #the results are different! the generation main effect is gone #the HSS effect is significant (higher probability of having gaps overall) and the # LSS effect is marginally significant (p=0.07) #again, it LOOKS like probability of gaps decreases in the HSS treatment, but the interaction # term is not significant #Plot"gen", "treatment"), gaps_evolve_model_glmm )) new_dat <- data.frame(gen = c(1:24, 1:24), treatment = c(rep("LSS", 24), rep("HSS", 24), rep("WTC", 24), rep("LV", 24)), individualid = NA, rep = NA) #Do predictions based on the model fit predictTrial_glmmTMB <- predict(gaps_evolve_model_glmm, new_dat, interval = "confidence",, type = "response", = TRUE) length(predictTrial_glmmTMB$fit) head(predictTrial_glmmTMB$fit) cbind(new_dat, predictTrial_glmmTMB) length(predictTrial_glmmTMB$se) summary(gaps_evolve_model_glmm) fixef(gaps_evolve_model_glmm) #Run similar model, but using lme4 gaps_evolve_model_glmm_lme4 <- glmer(primary_gaps_binom ~ gen*treatment + (1|individualid), family = binomial(link="logit"), data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="WTC" | sexcomb$treatment=="LV",]) plot(allEffects(gaps_evolve_model_glmm_lme4))"treatment", "gen"), gaps_evolve_model_glmm_lme4)) summary(gaps_evolve_model_glmm_lme4) #Make plots predictions <- ggemmeans(gaps_evolve_model_glmm, terms=c("gen", "treatment")) # are these predictions on link scale? #they look like they are already probabilities myplot.2 <- ggplot(predictions, aes(x, predicted, color=group)) + geom_line() + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=conf.low, ymax=conf.high, fill=group), alpha=0.2, color=NA) + scale_color_manual(values=c(plot.colors[wtc.index], plot.colors[hss.index], plot.colors[lss.index], plot.colors[lv.index])) + labs(x="Generation", y="Proportion with primary comb defects") + scale_fill_manual(values=c(fill.colors[wtc.index], fill.colors[hss.index], fill.colors[lss.index], fill.colors[lv.index])) + theme(legend.title=element_blank(), panel.background=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.border=element_rect(color="black", fill=NA)) + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(1,1,1,1), "cm")) print(myplot.2) #################################### #Ectopic comb #First: run models for ectopic comb using glmmTMB, only HSS and LSS secondary_evolve_model_glmm <- glmmTMB(secondary_teeth ~ gen*treatment + (1|treatment:rep) + (1|individualid), family = poisson, #ziformula = ~gen, # no evidence of zero inflation data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS",]) summary(secondary_evolve_model_glmm) plot(allEffects(secondary_evolve_model_glmm)) #take-home message here is: # there is an effect of generation (i.e., ectopic sex comb tooth number decreases) # but slope does not differ between HSS and LSS secondary_LV_evolve_model_glmm <- glmmTMB(secondary_teeth ~ gen + (1|individualid), family = poisson, #ziformula = ~gen, # no evidence of zero inflation data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="LV",]) summary(secondary_LV_evolve_model_glmm) plot(allEffects(secondary_LV_evolve_model_glmm)) #take-home message here is: # no effect of gen when LV is considered on its own"gen", "treatment"), secondary_evolve_model_glmm )) new_dat <- data.frame(gen = c(1:24, 1:24), treatment = c(rep("LSS", 24), rep("HSS", 24)), individualid = NA, rep = NA) #Do predictions based on the model fit predictTrial_glmmTMB <- predict(secondary_evolve_model_glmm, new_dat, interval = "confidence",, type = "response", = TRUE) length(predictTrial_glmmTMB$fit) head(predictTrial_glmmTMB$fit) cbind(new_dat, predictTrial_glmmTMB) length(predictTrial_glmmTMB$se) summary(secondary_evolve_model_glmm) fixef(secondary_evolve_model_glmm) #Run similar model, but using lme4 secondary_evolve_model_glmm_lme4 <- glmer(secondary_teeth ~ gen*treatment + (1|treatment:rep) + (1|individualid), family = poisson, data = sexcomb[sexcomb$treatment=="HSS" | sexcomb$treatment=="LSS",]) plot(allEffects(secondary_evolve_model_glmm_lme4))"treatment", "gen"), secondary_evolve_model_glmm_lme4)) summary(secondary_evolve_model_glmm_lme4) #take home here is that they give almost identical results, in spite of possible warnings about not converging #Make plots predictions <- ggemmeans(secondary_evolve_model_glmm, terms=c("gen", "treatment")) # on link scale. transform back via exp(). Very similar to using effects myplot.3 <- ggplot(predictions, aes(x, predicted, color=group)) + geom_line() + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=conf.low, ymax=conf.high, fill=group), alpha=0.2, color=NA) + scale_color_manual(values=c(plot.colors[hss.index], plot.colors[lss.index])) + labs(x="Generation", y="Number of ectopic sex comb teeth") + scale_fill_manual(values=c(fill.colors[hss.index], fill.colors[lss.index])) + theme(legend.title=element_blank(), panel.background=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.border=element_rect(color="black", fill=NA)) + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(1,1,1,1), "cm")) print(myplot.3) #################################### #Make actual PDF pdf(file="../outputs/Figure5_EE.pdf", width=7, height=15) vp.1 <- viewport(x=0, y=1, width=1, height=1/3, just=c("left", "top")) print(myplot.1, vp=vp.1) grid.text(label="A", x=0.01, y=0.98, just=c("left", "top"),, vp=vp.1) vp.2 <- viewport(x=0, y=2/3, width=1, height=1/3, just=c("left", "top")) print(myplot.2, vp=vp.2) grid.text(label="B", x=0.01, y=0.98, just=c("left", "top"),, vp=vp.2) vp.3 <- viewport(x=0, y=1/3, width=1, height=1/3, just=c("left", "top")) print(myplot.3, vp=vp.3) grid.text(label="C", x=0.01, y=0.98, just=c("left", "top"),, vp=vp.3)