Supplemental Material for Remines et al., 2023
Table S1 contains data on DEGs. Table S2 contains GO Term data. Table S3 contains DEG overlaps between strains. Table S4 contains summary of PM wells with altered growth. Table S5 provides the contents of every PM well. Table S6 provides all growth curves for all PM wells for sam1∆/sam1∆ vs wildtype. Table S7 provides all growth curves for all PM wells for sam2∆/sam2∆ vs wildtype. Table S8 contains RNA-Seq raw counts, processed counts, and statistical analysis of comparison between sam1∆/sam1∆ and wildtype. Table S9 contains RNA-Seq raw counts, processed counts, and statistical analysis of comparison between sam2∆/sam2∆ and wildtype. Figure S1 contains PCA and Heatmap depictions of RNA-Seq data. Figure S2 contains confirmation growth curves for 6 drugs/conditions.