Supplemental Material for Crofton et al., 2018
Figure S1 is a plot from PCA analysis on the differentially expressed genes. Figure S2 is a plot of the effect of maternal nutrition at the larval stage on fecundity.
Table S1 contains the transcript abundance counts from mRNA-Seq on eggs from mothers with differential nutrition during larval development. Table S2 has abundance counts on the gene level. Table S3 is a list of transcripts with significantly different abundances between nutrition treatments. Table S4 is a list of genes with significantly different abundances between nutrition treatments. Table S5 contains the results from GO category analysis of genes with different transcript abundance from eggs from mothers with standard and limited nutrition during development. Table S6 has results from significantly enriched KEGG pathways. Table S7 lists correlation coefficients of transcript abundance between all samples at both the transcript and gene level. Table S8 compares our RNA-Seq data from eggs from nutritionally limited mothers to gene lists from other studies of relevant phenotypes. Table S9 is the data collected on fecundity in mothers with standard and limited nutrition in development.