GSA Journals

Supplemental material for Ovenden et al., 2018

posted on 2018-04-16, 14:26 authored by Ben Ovenden, Andrew Milgate, Len J. Wade, Greg J. Rebetzke, James B. Holland
The supplementary files contain the data used in the study "Accounting for genotype-by-environment interactions and residual genetic variation in genomic selection for water-soluble carbohydrate concentration in wheat" by Ben Ovenden, Andrew Milgate, Len J. Wade, Greg J. Rebetzke and James B. Holland.
File S1 contains the SNP genotype information, File S2 contains the relationship matrix and File S3 contains a PCA plot of the first two eigenvectors of the relationship matrix. File S4 contains the phenotype dataset for WSCC. File S5 is script for the models used for genomic selection and cross-validation and File S6 contains the cross-validation sets.


Article title

Accounting for Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Residual Genetic Variation in Genomic Selection for Water-Soluble Carbohydrate Concentration in Wheat

Manuscript #


Article DOI
