GSA Journals

Supplemental material for Chen et al., 2020

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posted on 2020-11-09, 19:56 authored by Yuhua Chen, Hainan Wu, Wenguo Yang, Wei Zhao, Chunfa Tong
Supplementary File 1: Table S1
Supplementary File 2: Table S2
Supplementary File 3: Table S3, Table S4, and Table S5
Supplementary File 4: Table S6
Supplementary File 5: Table S7
Supplementary File 6: Table S8
Supplementary File 7: Table S9
Supplementary File 8: Table S10
Supplementary File 9: Table S11
Supplementary File 10: Table S12
Supplementary File 11: Table S13
Supplementary File 12: Figure S1 and Figure S2


Article title

Multivariate linear mixed model enhanced the power of identifying genome-wide association to poplar tree heights in a randomized complete block design

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