Supplemental Material for Wilson et al., 2018
S01. Coverage of B. stacei and B. distachyon Genomes for Species ID
S02. Structure of B. distachyon collection as sequenced by GBS
S03. B. distachyon reduced set STRUCTURE plots for k=2
S04. Dendrograms of genomic distance of B. distachyon collection at ~2M SNPs
S05. Linkage disequilibrium across the B. distachyon genome
S06. Graphical representation of climatic conditions from the flowering time experiment
S07. Phenotype data from flowering time experiment
S08. Flowering time experiment across 266 B. distachyon accessions
S09. Phenotypic correlation of traits from the early vigour validation experiment
S10. List of HapMap 74 genotypes
S11. Assessment of climate change models for South East Australia
S12. Phenotype data from 2015 temperature and 2050 temperature climate experiment
S13. Heritability of traits of interest from 2015 temperature and 2050 temperature climate experiment
S14. Histograms of all traits in 2015 temperature and 2050 temperature climate experiment
S15. List of QTL identified for traits of interest in 2015 temperature and 2050 temperature climate experiment
S16. Manhatten Plots for all traits in 2015 temperature and 2050 temperature climate experiment
S17. List of candidate genes for strong ear emergence QTL
S18. List of candidate genes for strong early vigour QTL
S19. List of candidate genes for strong energy QTL
S20. Protocol for measuring phenotypic parameters using a PAM