Supplemental Material for Sorgini et al., 2021
Supplemental Figure 1 NAM RIL Transgressive Segregation. NAM RIL families CML103 (A), CML333 (B), NC358 (C), and Tx303 (D) were sorted by δ13C and plotted. Parental lines are shown in red.
Supplemental Figure 2 Element and δ13C Full Correlation Matrix. A full correlation matrix of element and δ13C mean values is show. The diagonal displays histograms of each dataset. Pearson’s r is shown in the upper panel. Scatter plots and best fit line are shown in the lower panel.
Supplemental Figure 3 Element QTL Mapping by Chromosome. Significant element QTL are shown by maize chromosomes 1 through 10 on the x-axis (in cM). Each NAM RIL family is represented by a symbol; CML103 (○), CML333 (x), NC358 (□), and Tx303 (Δ). Each element is designated by color. Significance thresholds (dashed horizontal line) were determined using 200 permutations, alpha=0.05 for each QTL independently.
Supplemental Figure 4 Genome Wide Association Study for δ13C. Manhattan plot showing significance of SNPs derived from a mixed linear model using the Bayesian information criterion to select the optimal number of principal components. The significance threshold represents the Bonferroni correction of familywise error rate.