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Supplemental Material for Sorgini et al., 2021

posted on 2021-06-30, 14:44 authored by Crystal A. Sorgini, Lucas M. Roberts, madsen sullivan, Asaph B. Cousins, Ivan Baxter, Anthony J. Studer
Supplemental Tables S1-S5.
Table S1: Recombinant Inbred Lines used for single family QTL mapping of leaf δ13C, SLA, and ionomics.
Table S2: Recombinant Inbred Lines used for leaf δ13C joint linkage mapping.
Table S3: Lines used for leaf δ13C GWAS.
Table S4: Significant QTL identified in ionomics analyses.
Table S5: Weather data for field sites.

Supplemental Figure 1 NAM RIL Transgressive Segregation. NAM RIL families CML103 (A), CML333 (B), NC358 (C), and Tx303 (D) were sorted by δ13C and plotted. Parental lines are shown in red.

Supplemental Figure 2 Element and δ13C Full Correlation Matrix. A full correlation matrix of element and δ13C mean values is show. The diagonal displays histograms of each dataset. Pearson’s r is shown in the upper panel. Scatter plots and best fit line are shown in the lower panel.

Supplemental Figure 3 Element QTL Mapping by Chromosome. Significant element QTL are shown by maize chromosomes 1 through 10 on the x-axis (in cM). Each NAM RIL family is represented by a symbol; CML103 (○), CML333 (x), NC358 (□), and Tx303 (Δ). Each element is designated by color. Significance thresholds (dashed horizontal line) were determined using 200 permutations, alpha=0.05 for each QTL independently.

Supplemental Figure 4 Genome Wide Association Study for δ13C. Manhattan plot showing significance of SNPs derived from a mixed linear model using the Bayesian information criterion to select the optimal number of principal components. The significance threshold represents the Bonferroni correction of familywise error rate.


Article title

The Genetic Architecture of Leaf Stable Carbon Isotope Composition in Zea mays and the Effect of Transpiration Efficiency on Leaf Elemental Accumulation