Supplemental Material for Sarikaya Bayram et al., 2019
Table S1 Fungal (Aspergillus nidulansand Neurospora crassa) strains used in this study. Table S2 Oligonucleotides used in this study. Table S3 Plasmids used and constructed in this study. File S1 Interaction partners of VE-1GFPfusion in veA∆strain of A. nidulans.File S2 Interaction partners of VE-2GFPfusion in velB∆strain of A. nidulans. File S3 Interaction partners of VOS-1GFPfusion in vosA∆strain of A. nidulans. File S4 Interaction partners of LAE-1GFPfusion in laeA∆strain of A. nidulans. File S5 Interaction partners of VE-1GFPfusion in N. crassa. File S6 Interaction partners of VE-2GFPfusion in N. crassa. File S7 Interaction partners of VOS-1GFPfusion in N. crassa.File S8 Interaction partners of LAE-1GFPfusion in N. crassa. File S9 List of predicted secondary metabolite gene clusters in N. crassa. File S10 List of up- and downregulated genes in ve-1mutant under standard and iron starvation conditions. File S11 List of GO terms for upregulated genes in ve-1mutant in both conditions. File S12 List of GO terms for downregulated genes in ve-1mutant in both conditions. File S13 List of differentially expressed putative secondary metabolite genes in ve-1mutant in both conditions. File S14 Top twenty up and downregulated genes under iron starvation and standard conditions in ve-1mutant. File S15 Supplemental materials and methods.