Version 2 2019-07-29, 20:55Version 2 2019-07-29, 20:55
Version 1 2019-07-29, 16:39Version 1 2019-07-29, 16:39
posted on 2019-07-29, 20:55authored byAlex Ollhoff, Ana M. Poets, Priyanka Tyagi, Li Lei, Corey K..Carter, Candice N. Hirsch, Lin Li, Gina Brown-Guedira, Peter L. Morrell, Gary J. Muehlbauer, Kevin P. Smith
Table S1. iSelect SNP physical positions
Table S2. Days after planting BLUPs for BRIDG6
Table S3. SNP annotations for SNPs in HvPpd-H1 locus.
Table S4. Effect of subsampling different numbers of families and lines from the BRIDG6 population on QTL detection for flowering time.
Table S5. Flowering time related genes in barley
Figure S1 Distribution of average FST between the BRIDG6 parents and the NSGC accessions.
Figure S2 Distribution of allele effect estimates at all QTL for flowering time. The frequency of observations (Y-axis) are plotted at each allele effect relative to Rasmusson (X-axis). Estimates are the maximum allele effect per family for any significant SNP in the QTL. Bars are colored by the subpopulation assignment of the donor parent in orange (Admixed), purple (Asian), green (Central European), blue (Coastal Mediterranean), red (East African), and dark grey (Unassigned).
Figure S3 Annotations for flowering time QTL
Article title
Development of a Multi-parent Population for Genetic Mapping and Allele Discovery in Six-Row Barley