Supplemental Material for Macdonald and Long, 2022
The "" zipped file resolves to a series of R/shellscripts and required files enabling the reproduction of the analysis in the study.
Supplementary Text/Figures
The "supp_2022_09_20.pdf" includes supplementary figures S1 and S2, supplementary text S1, and the legend for supplementary table S1 (available for separate download).
Supplementary Table S1
This text file ("Supplementary_Table_S1.txt") contains all details on the genes within the mapped QTL intervals. Its legend is presented in "supp_2022_09_20.pdf".
The "malathion_haps_genetic_1p5cM.txt.gz" gunzipped text file holds the founder haplotype calls at a series of genetic positions along the genome for several mixed, sequenced populations. Along with the scripts (see ""), these data can be used to recreate the figures from the study without starting from scratch (i.e., with raw reads from the SRA).