Version 2 2020-10-09, 14:57Version 2 2020-10-09, 14:57
Version 1 2020-10-09, 14:12Version 1 2020-10-09, 14:12
posted on 2020-10-09, 14:57authored byFrancheska Lopez-Rivera, Olivia K. Foster Rhoades, Ben J. Vincent, Edward C. G. Pym, Meghan D. J. Bragdon, Javier Estrada, Angela H. DePace, Zeba WunderlichZeba Wunderlich
This is the supplemental material for Lopez-Rivera et al., 2020.
File S1 contains the sequences for all enhancer constructs in the study, and Files S2 and S3 have transcription factor binding site locations for the diagrams in Figure S6.
Figure S1 has a depiction of all the predicted Gt binding sites in the eve stripe 2 enhancer.
Figure S2 has representative images for all the genotypes analyzed.
Figure S3 contains all ratios presented in the main text Figures 1-3 in one plot.
Figure S4 has details on the normalization used for the CRISPR fly data analysis.
Figure S5 has the expression patterns for the other eve stripes in the eve[eveS2Δgt-2] CRISPR flies.
Figure S6 contains the enhancer sequence of the eve[eveS2Δgt-2] locus as well as a map of the predicted binding sites.
Figure S7 contains a multi-species comparison of the eve stripe 2 enhancer.
Table S1 describes all the individual embryos analyzed in this project, and File S4 contains the PointCloud files for each embryo, which includes the positions of all the nuclei in each embryo and the expression values for therein.
The PointCloud format is described in Luengo Hendriks, et al. Genome Biology, 2006.