Supplemental Material for Lange, Suleman, and Srayko, M., 2019
Figure S1 shows anti-Ska immunofluorescence in one-cell embryos treated with control or ska-1 RNAi. Figure S2 shows KLP-7-GFP in the one-cell embryo is not altered by ska-1(RNAi) or ska-3(RNAi). Figure S3 shows Ska mutations do not restore microtubule levels in rsa-1(or598) embryos. Figure S4 shows TPXL-1-GFP at the centrosome is not altered by ska-1(RNAi). Figure S5 shows Ska is required to form a tight metaphase plate. Figure S6 shows the rsa-1(or598) spindle-collapse phenotype is partially rescued by loss of Ska function. Figure S7 shows the rsa-1(or598) spindle-collapse phenotype is partially rescued by loss of KMN kinetochore components and loss of EBP-2. Table S1 contains information on C. elegans strains used in this study. Table S2 contains information on cloning primers used in this study.