Supplemental Material for Jain, 2019
All details included in supplemental.tex
Figure S1: Fixation probability for N = 6 × 105 when the beneficial effect sb is varied. The other parameters are sd = 0.01 (top) and 0.002 (bottom) with ud = 5sd, Ud = ud. The data from stochastic simulations (•) with errorbars representing the standard deviation, and by numerically calculating (1) (◦) and (5) (△) are shown.
Figure S2: Fixation probability for N = 6 × 105 when the beneficial effect sb is varied. The other parameters are sd = 0.01, ud = 5sd, Ud = 2ud (top) and sd = 0.002, ud = 5sd, Ud = 5ud (bottom). The data from stochastic simulations (•) with errorbars representing the standard deviation, and by numerically calculating (1) (◦) and (5) (△) are shown.
Figure S3: Expected substitution rate E[kb] and average fixed selection co-efficient E[sb] for N = 2 × 105 when the average beneficial effect s¯b is varied. The other parameters are sd = 0.01, ud = 5sd, ub = 5 × 10−7. The data from numerical simulations (•) and numerical integration of (12) and (17) using quadratic approximation (5) (⊕) and analytical expression (9) (◦) are shown.