Supplementary S1 contains
Figure S1 to S6: Figure S1 shows the experimental design of oat seed vigor
phenotyping in this study; Figure S2 shows the growth difference between the
two replicates. Figure S3 contains distribution of adjusted value of seed-vigor traits
of CORE in two replicates; Figure S4 shows the correlation between traits between
the two replicates; Figure S5 shows the correlation between traits in Taipei;
Figure S6 shows the correlation between traits in Aberdeen. Supplementary S2
contains ANOVA results of traits. Supplementary S3 contains Manhattan plots and
Q-Q plots for all traits not presented in the main body of the text.
Supplementary S4 contains trait value boxplots based on allele contrast of
trait-associated SNPs
Article title
Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals the Genetic Architecture of Seed Vigor in Oats