20210404-Supplementary Tables.xlsx (4.12 MB)
20210404-Supplementary Figures.docx (14.23 MB)
Supplemental Material for Dong et al., 2021
posted on 2021-04-07, 17:22 authored by Zhixue Dong, Muhammad khorshed Alam, Meili Xie, Li Yang, Jie Liu, MMU Helal, Junyan Huang, Xiaohui Cheng, Yueying Liu, Chaobo Tong, Chuanji Zhao, Shengyi LiuFigure S1 shows
Δ (SNP-index) in QTL-seq on the other 18 chromosomes. Figure S2 shows the
genotype based on a bin map of 200 individuals in the F2 population
in Yangluo in 2018. Figure S3 illustrates a matrix of pairwise recombination
values for the F2 linkage map using Checkmatrix. Figure S4 describes
the QTL scanning for plant height on chromosome A10. Figure S5 shows Spearman’s
correlation plot of the four samples based on the RNA-seq data in the study.
Table S1 lists the
primers used for RT-qPCR. Table S2 shows the
log-max-likelihood values and AIC values of genetic models in SEA analysis.
Table S3 shows the fitness test of candidate models in SEA analysis. Table S4
shows genetic parameters estimated in the MX1-AD-ADI model. Table S5 shows the
quality of the sequencing data from the QTL-seq. Table S6 shows the statistics
of comparison between the sequencing reads and reference genome in the two
bulks. Table S7 Plant height of 200 individuals in the F2 population
in Yangluo in 2018. Table S8 the sequence data quality of 200 individuals in the
F2 population. Table S9 shows the bin marker information and the
genotype of the 200 individuals in the F2 population. Table S10
shows the genetic position of all the mapped Bin markers in each linkage group.
Table S11 shows the physical position of all the Bin markers in each
chromosome. Table S12 shows the R2 value between the genetic map and
the physical map in each linkage group. Table S13 shows
the quality of the RNA-seq. Table S14 shows the DEGs information in the QTL
region. Table S15 lists the variant information between the two parents in the
QTL interval. Table S16 lists the candidate genes with missense and nonsense
Article title
Mapping of a major QTL controlling plant height using a high-density genetic map and QTL-seq methods based on whole-genome resequencing in Brassica napusUsage metrics
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