posted on 2020-10-19, 15:33authored byDiana Dalfo, Yanhui Ding, Qifei Liang, Alex Fong, Patricia Giselle Cipriani, Fabio Piano, Jialin C. Zheng, Zhao Qin, E. Jane Albert Hubbard
Figure S1 contains a representative image of glp-1(+) worms raised in the presence of lam-1 RNAi-inducing bacteria. Table S1 contains three sheets as follows.
The first is a “README”. The second sheet contains results for the last round
of RNAi experiments for the 196 unique genes that were identified in the
primary screen. The third sheet contains updated gene identity lists for the
196 unique genes identified in the primary screen and the 175 unique genes that
were ultimately tested in the secondary screen. Table S2 contains mammalian
orthologs and disease associations of the 43 genes identified in the secondary
screen. Table S3 contains data for enhancement
of Pro penetrance for the 31 genes whose RNAi caused elevated penetrance of Pro
phenotype in glp-1(ar202) animals on solid media. Table S4 contains data
for number of progenitor zone nuclei for the 31 genes whose RNAi caused
elevated penetrance of Pro phenotype in glp-1(ar202) animals on solid
media. Table S5 contains data for enhancement of Pro penetrance in rrf-1(pk1417);
glp-1(ar202) animals for the 15 genes whose normal function is required for
robust distal progenitor pool expansion. Table S6 contains data for enhancement
of Pro penetrance in rrf-1(pk1417); glp-1(ar202) animals for the five
genes whose RNAi caused elevated numbers of distal germline progenitor cells.
Article title
A Genome-Wide RNAi Screen for Enhancers of a Germline Tumor Phenotype Caused by Elevated GLP-1/Notch Signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans