GSA Journals
12 files

Supplemental Material for Brenner et al., 2019

posted on 2019-01-07, 15:44 authored by Wolfram Georg Brenner, Malte Mader, Niels Andreas Müller, Hans Hoenicka, Hilke Schroeder, Ingo Zorn, Matthias Fladung, Birgit Kersten
Figure S1 shows an overview of mitochondrial RNA editing sites in three Populus species, complementing Figure 1 in the main text.
Figure S2 shows RNA editing sites in all affected mitochindrial genes in the four Populus species investigated, complementing Figure 2 in the main text.
Figure S3 shows an annotated graphical representation of the mitochondrial genome of Populus alba.
Figure S4 shows a multiple sequence alignment of the mitochondrial nad6 gene of different Populus species and accessions, complementing Figure 4 in the main text.
File S1 contains the R script used to investigate and graphically display RNA editing.
File S2 contains a modified version of Varianttools (Schroeder et al., 2016) optimized for investigating RNA editing.
File S3 contains the reference sequences of all mitochondrial genes investigated with regards to RNA editing in this study.
Table S1 lists information about the RNA-Seq runs unsed in this study.
Table S2 lists the settings of the tools of the CLC Workbench Version 11.0 used for mapping RNA-Seq runs to reference sequences in order to identify potential RNA editing sites.
Table S3 contains evaluation tables of potential RNA editing sites.


Article title

High Level of Conservation of Mitochondrial RNA Editing Sites Among Four Populus Species

Manuscript #


Article DOI
